Eligibility: Certificate Course (ITI)
Other Courses
Other Courses
Location: Mumbai
Job Category: Govt Sector, Others
Last Date: 28 September 12
Job Type: Full Time
Hiring Process: Written-test and Interview.
Advt. Reference No. Rec-W&S/PER/ 61/2012
Mazagon Dock Limited, has vacancies for the post of Skilled Grade- I Trades Srl | Trades | Qualification | No. of Post |
2 | Jr Draughtsman | SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination in the Trade of ‘Draughtsman’ in Mechanical Stream. | 02 |
3 |
Structural Fabricator
| SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination passed in the trade of Structural Fitter / Fabricator or Fitter or Sheet Metal Worker . | 01 |
4 | Fitter |
or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination
passed in the trade of Fitter / Millwright Mechanic / Mechanic Machine
Tool Maintenance.
| 67 |
5 | Pipe Fitter |
SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination passed in the trade of Pipe Fitter / Fitter/Plumber.
| 01 |
6 | Electrician | SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination passed in the trade of Electrician. | 02 |
7 | Electric Crane Operator | SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination passed in the trade of Electrician. | 08 |
8 | Electronic Mechanic | SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination passed in the trade of Electronic Mechanic / Mechanic Radio & Radar Aircraft. | 27 |
11 | Machinist | SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination passed in the trade of Machinist. | 02 |
12 | Brass Finisher | SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination passed in the trade of Fitter. | 02 |
13 | Compressor Attendant | SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination passed in the trade of Millwright Mechanic / Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance. | 05 |
14 | Millwright Mechanic | SSC or equivalent with National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination passed in the trade of Millwright Mechanic / Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance. | 13 |
Age Limit : Maximum age limit is 33 years and minimum age limit not less than 18 years as on 1st August, 2012
Probation Period : Selected candidates will be on probation for six months
Fee : Candidates belonging to General and OBC categories should submit Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- (non-refundable) drawn in favour of Mazagon Dock Ltd., payable at Mumbai towards
processing fee. Application not in the prescribed format or without
DD/ enclosures are liable to be rejected. Candidates belonging to SC,
ST, PWD & Ex-servicemen are exempted from paying the processing
How to apply
form Candidates should apply in the prescribed application format. The
application should be filled legibly in Hindi, Marathi or English in
block letters on A4 size paper strictly in the prescribed format.
b) A self attested recent passport size colour photograph should be pasted in the space provided in the application form. c) Candidates should attach attested copies of all certificates in support of their age, qualification, experience and caste along with the application. Duly filled application in the prescribed format alongwith all enclosures should reach DGM (Rec-W&S), Recruitment Cell, Service Block- 3rd Floor, Mazagon Dock Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai-400010 on or before 28th September, 2012. Eligible Candidates registered with State Employment Exchange may also apply directly to the undersigned through post & courier i) Envelope containing the application form must be super scribed with “Application For The Post Of Skilled Grade-I In The Trade____________ against Permanent Vacancies”. j) Incomplete / applications received after the last date will be rejected.
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For Details & Application Format
b) A self attested recent passport size colour photograph should be pasted in the space provided in the application form. c) Candidates should attach attested copies of all certificates in support of their age, qualification, experience and caste along with the application. Duly filled application in the prescribed format alongwith all enclosures should reach DGM (Rec-W&S), Recruitment Cell, Service Block- 3rd Floor, Mazagon Dock Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai-400010 on or before 28th September, 2012. Eligible Candidates registered with State Employment Exchange may also apply directly to the undersigned through post & courier i) Envelope containing the application form must be super scribed with “Application For The Post Of Skilled Grade-I In The Trade____________ against Permanent Vacancies”. j) Incomplete / applications received after the last date will be rejected.
Click Here for more details:
For Details & Application Format
Awesome information in the post
تصليح ثلاجات
خدمات الصيانة المنزلية التي نقدمها لجميع عملائنا الكريم على الصعيد الوطني ” الكويت ” , و التي أصبحت احد الخدمات الأقوى و الأكثر ثقة بفضل الله اولا و بفضل ثقة عملائنا الكرام فيما نقدمه من جودة و عمل شامل و متكامل , و للعِلم فجميع الخدمات التي نوفرها لكم هي تتميز بالضمانات الكاملة و العمل المتقن كما أننا نمتلك خبراء في عدة مجالات للصيانة منها الأجهزة الكهرومنزلية و غيرها من الأعمال التي نقوم بتقديمها .
تميزنا في مختلف المجالات , كما نعلم جميعا أن خدمات الصيانة هي من الخدمات التي أصبحت شائعة كثيرا فيتصليح ثلاجات تصليح طباخات بالكويت تصليح طباخات هي مجموعة من الخدمات التي نقدمها لعملائنا الكرام و التي نضمن فيها الجودة و العمل الشامل و صيانة جميع اللوازم التي فيها مشاكل نحن نبحث على الأفضل و بفضل الله و تقييمات عملائنا الكرام حصدنا الثقة و كسبناها على الصعيد الوطني ” الكويت ” بفضل ما نوفره من جودة في الصيانة و العملو التي نضمن فيها الجودة و العمل الشامل و صيانة جميع اللوازمالتي فيها مشاكل نحن نبحث على الأفضل و بفضل الله و تقييمات عملائنا الكرامحصدنا الثقة و كسبناها على الصعيد الوطني ” الكويت ” بفضل ما نوفره من جودة في الصيانة و العمل
تصليح ثلاجات تصليح غسالات تصليح طباخات هي مجموعة من الخدمات التي نقدمها لعملائنا الكرام و التي نضمن فيها الجودة و العمل الشامل و صيانة جميع اللوازم التي فيها مشاكل نحن نبحث على الأفضل و بفضل الله و تقييمات عملائنا الكرام حصدنا الثقة و كسبناها على الصعيد الوطني ” الكويت ” بفضل ما نوفره من جودة في الصيانة و العمل على تصليح ثلاجات بالكويت و فني ثلاجات